RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH Apps

RAUCH spreading chart 0.0.928
With the free RAUCH spreading chart app thecurrent setting charts for the RAUCH twin disc spreader MDS, ALPHA,BETA, AXERA, and AXIS are always handy. Even in areas withoutnetwork coverage the app works reliably in offline mode. The updatewith the latest data is automatic.Values provided in the spreading charts are derived from practicaltests in the manufacturer's purpose built fertiliser spreaderresearch centre. Settings are obtained using fertiliser in perfectcondition from each respective manufacturer and spread over thestated spreading width.We would particularly emphasise that physical characteristics offertiliser can vary, even within the same type and brand, due todifferences in size of granules, density, surface texture, specificweight and quality of granules, etc.These variations can influence spreading characteristics quitemarkedly, which result in differences in the fertiliser applicationrates as well as changes in spread patterns predicted in thespreading charts, therefore making it necessary to recalibrate thefertiliser.Especially with blend fertilizers, an optimal distribution ofnutrients can not be guaranteed!To ensure greater accuracy, the unit should be recalibrated forapplication rate and the spread pattern should be checked over thedesired width with the help of the practical test kit, every timefertiliser is changed, even when using different bags of the samefertiliser.The calibration chart includes values for application ratesnormally used in pratice. The distribution of other applicationrates have not been tested.
(formerly Fertilizer Chart) Calibration chart for twin-discspreaders